green energy products that can be made at home

Tag Archives: natural resource

Did you know in 30 days you can cut the cost of your electric bill with Green Power?  Did you know you can generate enough green power to power your entire home?  Did you know you could generate enough electricity to sell electricity back to the electrical company generating a monthly income for yourself?  All these things and more are possible with power generated by natural resources, the sun and the wind.  Solar power harnesses the power of the sun and converts it into electricity that you use in your home replacing the use of the big energy company’s electricity, therefore saving you money.  A properly installed solar panel will slow you electrical meter down or even cause it to run backwards, putting money in your bank account.  You can learn how to build and install your own solar panels and save money on your electric bill.  To learn more about building your own solar panels, join the green power community and become environmentally friendly save the planet save money and make money with the power of the future.

Although green products have many benefits for the consumer and the environment, green product manufacturers have kept the cost so high that the average consumer would have to take out a second mortgage to be able to take advantage of solar panels or any other green product.   Did you know the supplies to construct solar panels, which is the reflective glass, is plentiful and will around for years to come?   It is the sand that is found any beach.   Other raw materials to construct a working solar panel can be found on the internet and your local hardware store, so why does this product have such a high commercial retail value?     Go to to learn more about building your own solar panels for under $200 in the time span of one weekend.    People, we are being charged for the knowledge that we do not have.  I am here to level the playing field.  You know the saying “Knowledge is Power” in this case it really is.  I’m giving you the path to the knowledge to create your own power from homemade solar panels in the time span of one weekend.  Stop paying your electric company your hard earned cash and harness the power of the sun and possibly make a profit in the process   The short video at has all the information for the DIY enthusiasts to construct an entire homemade mini power plant and power up completely on natural resources.

I have a few questions for my readers.  How many of you have noticed an increase in you electric bill?  How many of you have an electric bill that is almost as much as your rent or home mortgage?  Did you know the DWP is requesting another rate hike?  Can you afford this?  Would you like to stop the DWP from robbing you blind?  Go here  to learn how use natural resources to keep the electric company out of your monthly budget.

In my next blog I will discuss locations that pay cash for excess energy that you create.